Jagiellonian University

Hi! My name's Anna Szolucha.
I work as an anthropologist so I'm interested in how people live, think, organise, believe, imagine and generally, make sense of the world... or worlds. You will mostly find me in the "field": among space engineers working on cutting-edge technologies, local communities affected by fracking or activists living in tents in the middle of a big city. Whether in a hi-tech lab, on a muddy country road or a busy plaza, I'm there - to observe, listen, ask questions, sometimes also facilitate, organise and testify. I absolutely love it all so I've put this website together to record some of the joys, surprises and experiences along the way.
On a more personal note, I'm a keen walker and gardener. I'm also excellent at sleeping but can't really practise much. One day I'd really like to learn how to pronounce "rapport" correctly - any tips welcome!